Anniversary Events


Fresno Pacific's 80th Birthday Party

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 10:00 a.m.
Mainstage Theater, Warkentine Culture & Arts Center, Fresno Pacific Main Campus
This day marks our actual birthday and we're celebrating on all our campuses! You are invited to join the celebration on our main campus as we hear from an alumni speaker, enjoy cupcakes, celebrate with Sunny and take memorable photos!

October 3-5 – Homecoming

Thursday, October 3, 2024 – Saturday, October 5, 2024
Fresno Pacific Main Campus
Alumni, donors and FPU community members are invited to campus for several events as we gather together for meaningful connections: Believers Church Lecture Series, President’s Circle 80th Anniversary Celebration, Tip-Off Dinner, Choir Reunion, Sunbird volleyball game, BBQ, activities on The Green, etc.

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Your generous gifts are essential to the success of Fresno Pacific University, helping to maintain and improve the excellent academic, ethical and spiritual education we offer. With your partnership, we can continue providing transformative educational experiences that shape the leaders of tomorrow.

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