Fresno Pacific University | 80 years | 1944 - 2024Fresno Pacific University | 80 years | 1944 - 2024

Faith | Wisdom | Service

Fresno Pacific University proudly celebrates its 80th anniversary, marking eight decades of transformative impact and endless possibilities. This significant milestone highlights the university’s unwavering commitment to Christ-centered education and its profound legacy of empowering students. Through dedication to academic excellence and spiritual growth, Fresno Pacific continues to nurture leaders who are equipped to make a difference in the world. As we honor our past, we look forward to a future filled with even greater achievements and opportunities, staying true to our mission of shaping lives for service and leadership.

Photo of André Stephens, Ph.D.
André Stephens, Ph.D.President

Fresno Pacific's 80th Birthday Party

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 10:00 a.m.
Mainstage Theater, Warkentine Culture & Arts Center, Fresno Pacific Main Campus
This day marks our actual birthday and we're celebrating on all our campuses! You are invited to join the celebration on our main campus as we hear from an alumni speaker, enjoy cupcakes, celebrate with Sunny and take memorable photos!

October 3-5 – Homecoming

Thursday, October 3, 2024 – Saturday, October 5, 2024
Fresno Pacific Main Campus
Alumni, donors and FPU community members are invited to campus for several events as we gather together for meaningful connections: Believers Church Lecture Series, President’s Circle 80th Anniversary Celebration, Tip-Off Dinner, Choir Reunion, Sunbird volleyball game, BBQ, activities on The Green, etc.
But Jesus looked at them and said, "For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are POSSIBLE."

Matthew 19:26 NRSV